Mission of the Contemporary Church: A Meditation on the Missionary Practice of the Gospel in the Secular Environment of the Czech Republic
Due to many ideological abuses and historical distortions, the word mission has been given various connotations. In spite of all the distortions it is still used to designate the calling of the Church in the contemporary world. The word mission continues to occur in worldwide ecumenical dialogue and is a firm component of research in many theological departments of universities and schools. This demonstrates that Missio Dei is absolutely essential in the hermeneutic of the contemporary reading of Holy Scripture and remains an inspirational model for the ministry of the Church within every era. The mission of the Church affects the practice of the Gospel in secular Czech Republic. Its new understanding is deduced from the missional reading of the Bible and from the radical contextualization of the Gospel of Christ, which inspires ecumenical dialogue, helps the orientation of the Church, and leads to partnership in the deepening of the experience of the Gospel today.
Recapturing the Meaning of Mission and Evangelization.
Mission in a Multi-Faith World.
Dialogue and Cooperation with Churches of Other Languages.
Culture and Contextualization of the Gospel.